14 May, 2024

About Adelaide Mail

A typical Adelaide Mail reader

Tired of the monopolist state of fake news media in South Australia, Adelaide Mail was founded in 2018 with the idea that it certainly could.

Quickly growing in popularity among the founders’ immediate circle of friends who were too polite to say anything else, Adelaide Mail eventually gained recognition from the wider Adelaide media network in the form of anonymous letters containing white powder to sent our office.

Known for breaking all of South Australia’s major news stories before they even happen, Adelaide Mail continually fails to live up to the expectations of local residents who think they could do a better job, and occasionally angers the odd boomer who believes everything they read on their giant iPad.

Adelaide Mail looks forward to continue bringing South Australians the latest inaccurate headlines from around the state until the novelty inevitably wears off and our domain expires.

South Australia’s other fake news source.

All views expressed on this website are that of the author’s alone and do not represent any views or opinions of any other entity whatsoever in which they have been, are currently, or will be, affiliated with.